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Weren't Computers Supposed
To Make Our Lives Easier?

We've made working with small business our focus. By working closely with our web clients, we've learned a lot about what a small businessperson may or may not know about a lot of the tools they need to use every day.

Consulting Services:

These links will speed you down the page to learn more about the various services we provide:

Site Redesign
Search Engine Help
Marketing & Web Marketing
Office Systems
Web Hosting Decisions
"Do It Yourself" Help

Site Redesign

We offer a variety of services to enhance your web presence, even if you already have a web site. There are a number of reasons you may want to redesign your existing web site. Perhaps you'd like to:

• Enhance your ranking in the search engines for specific search terms.

• Update the appearance without modifying the content or information architecture.

• Analyze the site and optimize it for faster loading, and usability.

We're quite experienced with the process of site redesign. In fact our existing clients typically come back to us not only when they need basic content updates, but also when they want an entirely new look or functionality.

In a business like this, we think that's a pretty good sign that we're doing a good job...

Search Engine Help

Your site will never be seen if it isn't properly indexed by major search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo. We have a variety of solutions to enhance your search engine ranking, from basic submission services to complete design optimization and implementation of large-scale linking strategies. Learn more here.

Marketing & Web Marketing

There are an endless number of options for marketing, promoting, and making money from your web site. Targeted affiliate programs, targeted local advertising, member and subscription based plans...let us help you refine a strategy.

We're also experienced with more traditional methods of marketing like direct mail, and can probably add some punch to what might otherwise be just junk mail.

Office Systems

If you own a small business, chances are (unless you're in the tech industry yourself) that you didn't start your business because you enjoy battling with software, printers, and other hardware on a daily basis.

How many times have you wasted an hour or more trying to open files someone sent you that were in an unfamiliar format, or tinkered with a user-unfriendly piece of software for what seems like forever just to format a simple document, or export some useful data?

You're not alone.

Focus On Your Work, Not The Tools

As the desktop computer became more and more commonplace over the last twenty years, a whole generation of small business people has been expected to keep up with rapidly evolving tools that essentially perform the same set of tasks in new ways, or with a new interface.

If you're using Windows in conjunction with other standard office software, we offer a crash course that will help take the focus from the tools you use and let you get to the real work you need to do.

Office Systems Consulting

Working with our clients we have often had the opportunity to improve not only their familiarity with the software they use to get work done, but helped them enhance the underlying processes as well.

Especially with issues regarding document management on a small-to-medium size business level, we can provide help that will get you organized now, with simple systems that can be scaled to suit greater needs at a later date.

Web Hosting

Our clients' sites are hosted on HP Unix web servers, running Apache, an industry standard for reliability. If our hosting services don't meet your needs (for instance, if you need a server-side application like ColdFusion, or want to use Microsoft servers), we can help you get connected with the service you need. Learn more about hosting here.

Do It Yourself

With web site design, as with many things in life, we don't recommend you try this at home. However, we always provide our clients with as many tools as they care to learn about to help them maintain their own site moving into the future. We also have provided some launch points for learning the basics of web design in our web design resources pages.


An Unusual Offer...

By working closely with our small business clients, we've refined a productivity enhancement program that is centered around the simple idea of improving a staff's knowledge of the software they use every day.

To help us refine our training, we need some test subjects. If you have a small business and would like to receive some free training and tutoring, please contact us. We'd be delighted to discuss your needs and see if they fit ours.

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