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Search Engine Optimization
What is it?

Search engine optimization (or SEO) is the term used to describe the process of fine-tuning web sites to help them rank higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or MSN for specific search terms.

You build a web site for your restaurant in Sausalito, and you want people to be able to find you via the web. You get on Google, type: "Sausalito Restaurants", and ten search pages later, all you've found is city guides plastered with pop-up ads, or info about the city government...what's going on?

Unfortunately, creating a site doesn't automatically make it appear in web searches. Even doing a basic submission to key search engines - following their guidelines - won't typically give you very good placement, depending on the search terms you're targeting.

So How Do You Achieve Top Ranking?

A simple question with a very complicated answer. Depending on the search terms you're targeting for your site, this can be relatively straightforward and affordable, or a rather pricey, almost cutthroat process. If you have a site about Onoe Saishu, the rather obscure Japanese poet, you should have no trouble getting a good rank in Google for the term Onoe Saishu. You may in fact be the only person who ever looks for a site about him. If, however, you have a hotel in Las Vegas or Miami, or a site devoted to Star Wars, be prepared to do battle. These will obviously be very competitive terms, and the people you're competing with may be from some very large companies with lots of money to spend on search engine positioning. But the question was:

How Do You Get Your Site Listed?

You work with someone like us, to determine appropriate search terms for your content, optimize your site, submit it to the proper search engines intelligently, and develop linking strategies, if necessary.

How Much Does This Cost?

Our basic submission packages start at $250.00. Analysis for optimization, redesign work, and link scheme planning will increase the cost. We don't have fixed price plans, but will provide a free consultation with a fixed quote if you'd like to contact us to learn more.

Last Updated: April 2005

See How You Rank

Try the search boxes below to see if your site appears for your search terms. Results will open in a new window.

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