A New Business Model
The established American music industry
is still reeling from the big surprise...
More important than the fact that their
way of doing business is completely obsolete is the fact that
they can't wake up and change, because much like the auto
industry or other industries that are for all practical purposes
"tolerated monopolies", it's easier to buy the competing
technology and adapt it suit your needs than to actually compete
with it creatively.
This is how Microsoft grew.
This is how the "Big Three" grew.
It simply won't work with popular music.
Primarily, in this instance, because the
people producing the product (the current generation of bands
and songwriters) are far too savvy about how to shop their
wares, and far too aware of where the income generated from
their "unit sales" goes.
We're banking on the intelligence of the
current crop of 16-30 year old musicians, and the ignorance
of the established industry to create a unique distribution
channel for original, unsigned artists.
We're currently doing detailed, nationwide
market research as we refine our concept in preparation for
the launch of the test run of our project.
Please contact us
with inquiries or take a moment to complete our survey.